NetGain Systems在其产品组合增加了安全性和云解决方案

NetGain Systems在其产品组合增加了安全性和云解决方案
2020-06-23 NetGain Systems
标签 News

Today, NetGain Systems launched the largest expansion of its product line in more than a decade, adding comprehensive SIEM and cloud monitoring solutions to its award-winning IT monitoring and data analysis solution NetGain Enterprise Manager (EM). NetGain SIEM and NetGain Cloud Vista Suite (CVS) are two new solutions. Together with NetGain Enterprise Manager (EM), they form the NetGainIT monitoring and security event management solution portfolio.

Solve security threats with the new NetGain SIEM

In order to meet the growing needs of enterprises to actively monitor cyber security threats, NetGain has added a complete set of SIEM features and unique tools that allow automatic search and identification of security that may seem unrelated to security events based on the correlation between security events and standard network events Threatened.

The NetGain SIEM solution provides the greatest flexibility to easily add and redefine security threat events. The solution allows the system to be customized to fit the security posture of any organization and continue to function in the ever-changing threat environment. NetGain SIEM is an independent security incident management solution, but it is also integrated into the reporting dashboard of NetGain EM, providing users with a single window to manage infrastructure and security incidents.

Introduction to the new NetGain Cloud Vista Suite (CVS)

The new NetGain Cloud Vista Suite (CVS) consists of NetGain Cloud Vista running on a cloud virtual machine and EM Edge running on a remote physical site. It extends NetGain’s infrastructure management and SIEM functions to the cloud and aims to help The company manages a complex IT infrastructure and security environment, especially an environment that has both on-premises and cloud IT assets in a hybrid network.

在地理位置分散的大型复杂IT网络中,Cloud Vista Suite还被设计为“管理器的管理器”,允许用户在整个运维过程中对所有IT基础架构和安全事件拥有单独的统一视图。对于寻求高度可扩展且具备成本效益的托管云解决方案为其客户提供IT基础架构监控和SIEM即服务的托管服务提供商来说,Cloud Vista Suite也是理想之选。

NetGain Enterprise Manager增强功能

本公司还对屡获殊荣的核心产品NetGain Enterprise Manager(EM)进行了重大改进,并于今天发布第11版。随着引入基于弹性搜索的新数据库和分析引擎,整个核心软件的性能有了显著提高,同时也重新设计和更新了图形用户界面,为用户提供了易于使用和直观的管理体验。

——NetGain首席执行官詹姆斯·基亚(James Chia)

“我们很高兴能够将安全性和云解决方案加入NetGain的产品组合中。我们新推出的SIEM和Cloud Vista Suite解决方案是公司历史上对产品线最重要的改进,并将我们在IT监控市场上可靠的创新传统扩展到了当今IT专业人士所关注的两个重要领域。我们的许多客户——从中小型企业客户到最大的跨国企业——都在开展重大的数字化转型项目,重点是在IT环境中增加基于云的服务交付,以及作为业务连续性计划的一部分审查整个业务安全评估的项目。将NetGain的解决方案扩展到这些领域,将进一步帮助我们的客户,同时预测他们未来许多年的技术监控需求。”

Embrio Enterprises首席执行官塞德里克·林(Cedric Lim):

“Embrio非常高兴能与NetGain合作推出最新产品。NetGain SIEM整合了出色的监控和警报解决方案,增强了Embrio为政府和私营部门的客户提供全面威胁检测和托管服务解决方案的能力。NetGain Cloud Vista Suite(CVS)作为“管理器的管理器”而设计,为我们提供了单独的整合平台来管理我们在多个地区的一些大型政府和跨国公司客户的IT基础架构。NetGain凭借集成的IT监控和SIEM解决方案,已成为像我们这样的强大支持组织的互利共赢的合作伙伴,并在帮助Embrio实现其成为亚太地区主要IT安全和基础架构解决方案提供商的目标方面发挥着重要作用。”
